October 31, 2008

The Polls Are Open until Midnight Nov 2nd


Of course the time I really need my power to be on, it is mysteriously off. It's ghosts, I know it. They have it in for me and they knew how much y'all would be fretting and waiting to see the results so they make the power go out. Plus, we froze our tushies off all night without the heat. SORRY for getting this up late-blame the ghosties.

We want to thank you all for sharing your spooky, funny, touching, creepy, chilling stories with us. It's been a privilege to get a peek into your lives.

It was too difficult for us to choose, so we asked 6 professors at BYU Hawaii to judge and put through the top 4 in each category. Thanks you so much smarty pants professor peeps.

But seriously, the finalists were paper-thin close so we have decided to post the top FOUR funnies and spookies.

The Spooky Story Finalists are:

Funny Farmer

Ready . . . Set . . . VOTE!

Go to Crash's blog to find out the Funny Story Finalists.

Now it's time for the special award ceremony!

(some of these will get prizes too):

Best first freaky-AND-well-written story goes to Andrea. (Great story, Andrea! Keep writing. And old boat guy, Andrea needs a grandpa too).

Best well-written-funny-freaky-story-about-a-fly-that-wasn't-actually-entered goes to Jami in my Ghosts are People Too Comment box. (SHOULD have entered smart/dumb girl).

Best hilarious-scary-story-that-wasn't-actually-scary goes to Pat. (LOVED it so much!)

Best string of super-real-super-intriguing-hauntings-in-Canada goes to Deedra (Totally freaked over the bed-wetting story. Crash wet the bed until she was 8 years old and had terrible nightmares every night.)

Best short-scary-story-within-the-word-limit-by-an-old-boat-guy goes to Arlon. (Your story rocked! Get it? Rocked! hee hee. And I award you BEST story title/s.)

Best silly-scary-story-about-Sewl, plus most SPOOKtacular purple Halloween blog goes to Ginger. (LOVE that purple blog!)

Best extremely-touching-true-ghost-story-about-grief-within-the-word-limit goes to Pokemom. (Sincerly appreciated this story! Thanks.)

For some reason I didn't add Pokemom to the poll and now I can't add her. If you want to vote for her story please email me @ crashnsewl@gmail.com. Sorry 100 times over.

Best creative-fiction-with-a-super-cool-twist-and-that-only-went-one-word-over-the-word-limit goes to Wendy. (Wendyburd, you are gooooood. And don't tell me you're shy again.)

Best creepy-clever-story-about-night-munching-rats-and-dirty-fridges goes to Laura. (Cute job, Girl (in a swirl) You were so close! Argh!)

Best cewl-photospooky-entry-with-a-way-cewl-orange-jacket goes to Audrey. (Sooo cewl and eclectic and way out of our league).

Best scary-then-disturbing-then-scary-again-then-puzzling-then-funny-then-what-the-?-story-that-was-soooooooo-close-to-getting-in-the-finals-it's-not-even-funny goes to Jake. (The judges accused this entry of plagiarism. (hee hee) But I cleared it all up).

Thank you all so much for participating. It has made this Halloween SUPER scary and so much fun.

Now go vote!

After you vote read this below from the talented Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist.
She got her entry in late but it was spookiliciously GOOD.
Also go checkout her amazing blog. She has some sweet Halloween treats for all of you.

My grandparents live in a very very old house. Well over a hundred years old. it is haunted it is weird, it is creepy it is wild!!

But before they moved in, the house had been boarded up (windows and doors) because it was in the family but noone was living in it...

The house next door, just as old, was inhabited by my great grandmother (now these are rickety old three story houses with double attics and on a cliff...)

So, one day, my great grandmother who lived in the house next to the boarded up house, ordered groceries from the market...

So, the delivery boy, delivered them to the house that was boarded up instead...

When he knocked on the door, a woman named Agnes (I believe), little old woman, came to the door and said, I didn't order groceries.

Then she pointed to the house next door, which was my great grandmother's house.

The grocery boy went to my GG's house, and said, I am sorry I was late, but I went to the wrong house (mind you, you have to go down 100+ cobblestone stairs, to get to either of the houses). He then went on to tell my GG that the old lady Agnes at the house, told him he had the wrong house and sent him over to my GG's house...

My GG turned pale white. She said to the boy. Noone lives in that house. It is boarded up and vacant right now, and has been for years...

You see, the man who owned the house before my family did, had murdered his wife Agnes, and her bones were found in the cess pool... EEEEEK! True family story. No joke...

It was the Ghost of Agnes that opened greeted the grocer...

And, dare I utter the words that, Agnes haunts my grandmother to this day... It is all very scary and awful...

But true!! BOOOOOO!!! Spooky tales I tell ya...


Alyson | New England Living said...

Thanks for putting this one and that is one little bratty ghost for shutting off your electricity! Hope you guys are sufficently warm and toasty now.

Emily Anne Leyland said...

Thanks girl! It was so much fun. I am shivering so badly right now. I think it will take a while to really get warmed up. Stupid ghost :)

I have to go to my daughters school now, I can't wait to see how people vote. They were all so good.

Emily Anne Leyland said...

What?!?! For real. Did they try to vote twice? Knock it off ghostie!!!!!!

OldBoatGuy said...

It was a wonderly fun contest. My power was off yesterday for about 2 hours, must be the same ghost.

annie valentine said...

I can't figure out how to vote. Can I vote for Alyson? Would someone mark that down?

Emily Anne Leyland said...

Thanks Gramps. The ghost must love to visit all the family :)Ooh
and in Idaho..is it snowing yet?

Why are people having trouble voting. Grrrrr. have you voted twice. That is all I can think is happening.

LBBlum said...

girl! I saw you took the Handmade challenge for Christmas!

I so wanna- but I'm afaid that my family will just hate all the Handmade stuff i make.

What is your plan?

Emily Anne Leyland said...

Well, I am doing it half way I suppose. All of my family are getting together and I am hoping to get all of them to buy into my thinking. We pick names to exchange with, so everyone will only have to make one.

For my kids I am going to try and make them each a quilt and then buy from Etsy..hahaha. I don't have time to handmade everything myself, but I can buy other peoples handmade things right..lol. We'll see, I still don't have it all figures out. You might like Soulemama's "The Creative family" book. Her link is on my sidebar. I wish I could live as simply a her.
I'll let you know if I figure anything out amazing :)

Alyson | New England Living said...

That's two people now who've said they couldn't vote. This ghost has got it in for me!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Oh, and can I just say I'm loving Annie Valentine and her awesome name. Does she not have a blog? I tried to look over at her.