October 22, 2008

It's Wednesday people! And you know what that means!!

Yeah baby, Ghost Hunters is on. Woot woot!! And the give-away for the fabilicious bunting- banner has come to an end.
I used the random generator and Natalie from http://flhomeblog.blogspot.com has won. Congrats woman! Email your info and I'll get it in the mail.

Now, back to my loves.

If you are not a fan already, give them a go. It's on the Sci-Fi channel tonight.

You better be getting your hands and fingers stretched & warmed up. The Crash-n-Sewl Spook-a-Rama, hair-raising ghost story contest starts tomorrow. Come back then for all the details.

You've got to excuse me now, I've got to go get so scared, I might just pee my pants.


Emily aka the biggest Ghost Hunters fan EVA!!!!!


Alyson | New England Living said...

I think I rival you for title of biggest fan! I'm still trying to find some way to be on their team. I live close enough! Why won't they love me?!:-(

binks said...

Damn it! My blog reader is full and I have no time. But, I may just have to follow you because I can't find any other Ghost Hunters lovers around. *sigh*