In the 2 years I have lived here in the "south" I have fallen in love with the people, places and climate.
Winters here in the Carolinas are pretty tame.
Winters here in the Carolinas are pretty tame.
We usually have mild temperatures and sunny vibrant days.
The old southern homes that dot the landscape make me think of years gone by. I can almost hear a gramophone cranking out some old tunes and people laughing and dancing in the hot sultry nights (not in winter of course;)
There is never snow on the ground and the animals and critters have it pretty easy. Berries and old crops abound.
I couldn't stop going to the door and giggling as it kept coming down and it was actually sticking.
So, is that last house yours? I've pictured you living in something similar.
Hahaha- I WISH! Nah- one day I will have something that grand, whether it be in real life or in my dreams.
I like that you pictured me in something like that though ;)
Snow? What a pretty parting gift.
Yeah- it was a lovely gift ;)
Oh that is beautiful!!!!! I LOVE IT! sigh! I'm so glad I can share it through you since I never get to run outside and giggle because the snow is sticking.
Love the old houses with their character and own personalities.
Aww- Crash I'll send you some snow in a bottle packed in ice an then you can giggle..hehe
Swirl- the houses are fabulous here. I need to show y'all more. Some are just out of this world. Ooh- new post idea...thanks ;)
Great pix! I love the Carolinas. We are moving there eventually when the whole housing thing evens out. Heard you were visiting Charleston, we are going for hubby's birthday in April, any good suggestions?
Thanks Binks. Cool about you moving here. I think the Carolinas are the best kept secret. We LOVE it here.
I'll let you know about Charleston, we go at the end of March. I know you will appreciate the haunted ghost tours & carriage rides..heheh. Can't wait and you know I'll take some awesome pictures for y'all ;)
Very pretty photos. However I'm sick of the snow, thank goodness we didn't get that much this year. I'm ready for shorts and flip-flop weather.
oh, its so beautiful there! Hope you guys enjoyed the snow :)
Ginger- Oh man- I could have a few more storms. It was sure fun. How much longer till Justin is home?
Heather- it is beautiful here. I dare say I am in love with the Carolinas :)
Okay...I want to come visit! I LOVE old plantation homes or old homes in general! I love history and those pictures are so BEAUTIFUL...
I envy you!
Are you starring in a new fairy tale? Your pictures are something out of a story book! Absolutely astonishing!
You are a great photographer too - amazing! I love the pictures. You sure live in a beautiful area. I too dream of my future, perfect home and property.
What great pictures, Emily! There is something just magical about snow and I love the old homes. I love going for drives along the countryside here looking for old colonials. The east is so fun, isn't it? Oh, and our hay is the same up here. Must be an east coast thing. By the way, you're making me want to come visit you! I believe you are within driving distance! ;)
The world also screetches to a halt around here too when it snows which is weird since snow is a normal event in the winter in New England.
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