I made this shirt for my little girl Chloe. I found this plain white shirt on sale last year for $2.50!
I then simply made 7 yo-yo's and hand stitched them on, in the shape of a C.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!!
I then simply made 7 yo-yo's and hand stitched them on, in the shape of a C.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!!
I am making a head band that has a few yo-yo's in a bunch to wear with it.
If you are like "what are yo-yo's" then let me show you.
I learned how to make yo-yo's from the fabulous Heather Bailey here
They were extremely popular in the 1940's, especially for making yo-yo quilts like this one.
Yo-Yo's take no time at all to make and you can use them on so many things.
Look at these cute necklaces I found made out of yo-yo's on Etsy.
LOVE them!!

If you are like "what are yo-yo's" then let me show you.
I learned how to make yo-yo's from the fabulous Heather Bailey here
They were extremely popular in the 1940's, especially for making yo-yo quilts like this one.

Look at these cute necklaces I found made out of yo-yo's on Etsy.

That's awesome Em! I love the shirt at the end too, haha!
Great work!
That is adorable! I have a C girl too. She'd love that.
Thanks guys!!
P.S. I wish you lived close enough to teach me to sew. Everyone who sews tells me it's easy, but I'm completely intimidated.
It is SOOOOO easy girl!! Really, I flippin taught myself. Do you have a Micheal's or a hobby lobby near you? They may have classes and after a few you'll be on your way. Look into it ;-)
Okay... I only wish! I love that shirt so I might be inspired, but that is usually as far as I get.
You are so talented!
Very cute blog! I posted that chocolate chip cookie recipe. Personally, I suggest you make them as soon as you possibly can. It is worth the rush...
Aww- y'all make me blush ;-) I love your sweet comments and Jessica thank you for that recipe!! My family will forever thank you!
I started sewing a yo yo quilt years ago and then gave up, and stashed the stack of yo yo's in a bag I probably have since given to Goodwill. Sigh. But I love your yo yo's!
Terresa!!! How could you??!!??!! Kidding, but darn it. I bet you had some cute ones.
those yo yos are the cutest! great job on the shirt :) I love that quilt too...I wonder how they made that?
I love it! You're making me think I could possibly do that myself. Hmmm.
This shirt is so cute!
I saw you were giving away the pincushion but I didn't know where you would like us to leave comments so here's mine... I would love to win a pincushion. They are the most adorable things!!!
So Cute!! I wish I could do that...I wouldn't even know where to start!?
My mom and I love anything with Yo-yo's! You can create so many wonderful things with them and we're always happy to see people making them. Great work and keep it up!
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