I was asked by some ladies at my church to help teach a class doing a service project, in the way of a craft. It was for 12 -13 yr old girls and their moms. I was stumped as to what I could teach and then the horrifying earthquake struck in Haiti, and this is what I conjured up.
They are made from washcloths, discounted ribbon, and obviously a bar of soap.
Once the bags were made and the ribbon was threaded through, we stuffed them with the soap and wound them up on themselves and added the instructions.
We had 2 classes and only a half an hour for each class. We got an assembly line going and with 5 sewing machines and lots of happy, helping hands, we managed to whip out 89 bags, fully assembled and ready to be added to hygiene kits to send over to Haiti.
A very good man who attends our church here is a "biggie" at Coats & Clark and gave us the thread we needed. For teaching the class he gave me... all of this luscious colored thread.
Now that's what I call karma!!
What a great project, Emily! Love this idea.
What a great idea!
Very, very clever!! And what a wonderful service project!
I don't know if your header has been up for awhile now, or not, but I LOVE it!!
Lisa :)
What a fantastic idea . . . and for such a good cause too!
Sounds like everyone's a winner here!
You're wonderful, Em! Good Karma, indeed!
Its so great that your helping those that lost all they had because of that earthquake!
This is also a great idea for bathrooms that have kids! My kid always squishes and deforms the soap, usually making a mess. But if I use one of these bags she wont be able to break the soap into tiny pieces!
I LUB it. What a great idea!
Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
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