April 07, 2010


Who has a pile of things they will eventually get to "upcycling"? I have all sorts of projects and cute furniture pieces I will eventually turn into something fabulous. At times I sit and stare at them and wonder what in the world they should be.

I love getting inspiration from all sorts of places, but magazines are a treasure trove of ideas.
Being a very visual person Country Living magazine never disappoints. They have a full lineup of ideas here.

Here are a few of the ideas they came up with.

Vintage brooch magnets

Old ruler tabletop

Book vases

Ceramic bowl pendant lamps

Old crate shelf

Vintage tin candles

Are you feeling inspired?

xo Emily xo


andrea creates said...

Yes, I wish I had the energy tho' lol.I would love to try those ceramic bowl lights!
I've gotta get to work on tomorrow's "Let your art guide you.."
'See' you tomorrow

The Haley Family said...
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Martina said...

Such great ideas, i want to make all of them! Also, the photos are so nicely styled and done - great inspiration!

Deedra said...

VERY VERY VERY inspired!!! Thanks for that, Em!!!!!! I've got TONS of things I need to get to work on and this was just the inspiration I needed!!!