August 30, 2013

How time flies...

How do I make my return to blogging? Can someone give me some trumpeting horns and confetti flying over our heads?

 No no no, I'm just going to slip casually back into the "back of the room" and the very "back seat" and try to not feel nervous. It's been years. YEARS! So much has changed. I need to learn so many new tricks and reacquaint myself with the blogging world. I literally walked away and didn't look back, stopped reading blogs and just completely tuned out. There were so many external things going on in my life and I had to take one thing out and sadly, that was blogging and the creative joy it gave me.

In the last few years I have moved twice. Once to a little tiny pioneer town in southern Utah and now I am currently exploring the Midwest in Indianapolis, Indiana. I will refer back to many of my experiences from time to time, as there have been many. Many experiences that have changed who I am, have given me greater knowledge of myself and have blessed me with many new sides to my personality. Long story short, I'm excited to be back!! I have no idea if I am typing this just to myself and for my own benefit, but if any of my old friends are still out there, I can't wait to reconnect! I have many projects and topics I can't wait to delve into. It's going to be fun and I hope a few of you are still around.

 Emily xo


Alyson | New England Living said...

Love you!! Welcome back! xx

Unknown said...

I am super excited to see what you create!


The Haley Family said...

Yeah! I would check back from time to time just in case! ;). Hugs and welcome back!!