So Shelle over at her funny blog is having a contest and I am entering to win some cool prizes. You have to finish don't you hate it when. So here goes mine. Oh~ but before you read my entry, I will be picking a couple of names tonight and you can still enter in the post below. Good luck!!!
Don't you hate it when....
Don't you hate it when you have a baby girl and you realize that your 2 year old boy is starting to resent it and so he starts to act out by doing the funnest things? Like while putting the baby to sleep he goes to the fridge and gets a whole gallon of milk and pours it down the heating vent. Yeah- that was fun come winter time. The next time you put the baby to bed he decides to throw a dozen eggs on the kitchen floor, just to see how hard they can splat and how many surfaces he can cover. Don't you hate it when you get a lock for the fridge but he learns how to crack it and does all the same things AGAIN!!!
Don't you hate it when your hubby is left to watch the kids ( who are now 4 and 2) and you leave before anyone is awake, but hubby doesn't hear the kids get up, and the night before you had gone to Home Depot to get some paint, and you leave it on the island thinking that the kids can't get to it, but then you get a phone call while blissfully garage sailing ALONE and your hubby tells you that your little boy cracked the can open with a butter knife and while he slept, the kids played slip-n-slide down the kitchen hallway with PAINT!!!! Not only slip-n-slide but hide-n-go seek around 3 levels in the house and monkeys jumping on the bed while covered in the most beautiful tan/taupe paint? Oh- and the couches that were a week old were TRASHED with painted foot prints all over them.
But then don't you hate it even more when you think you are a savvy Mom and you have the house baby proofed and your little boy finds some scissors and plays haircuts with your little girl's hair that is finally long enough to do something with? Don't you hate it when you see a 2 year old with a reverse mohawk and a comb over?
THEN- a year or so goes by and again you think you are such a clever Mom and all scissors are banished from the house because the hair is starting to look not so much like a freak show anymore, and you are outside busting your butt shoveling snow off your driveway and you think your daughter is happily sleeping in her crib, only to find out that she climbed out of her crib and on top of the bathroom cabinet and into the top shelf to find the lone pair of scissors...then she plays haircuts by herself????
But most of all, don't you hate it when you look back at those times and shudder because while going through them, you were so mad and angry and upset and you thought that the world would end because you had to gel your little girls remaining strands of hair to her head and then clip it down with like 4 clips and it still looked CRAZY but now that you look back they are the funniest stories and you wish you could hold those chubby little hands and kiss them and put them to your face but then you realize you can't?
Don't you hate it when your kids grow up too fast?
~Emily Leyland...and yes...these stories are 100% true.
Here is the reverse mohawk....ahahahahahahahahaha
Here is the comb over after a month or two. Aww- those were the days.
This was the second haircut she gave!
And here is the fix it haircut. Luckily we didn't have to do the comb over on this one ;)
I wish I had some of the paint pictures but the thought of documenting it didn't come into my mind at the time :)
December 16, 2008
Don't you hate it when...
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All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Emily Anne Leyland and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Emily Anne Leyland. If you wish to link to this site or to a post from this site, Awesome! Just please give appropriate credit for content. Any other inquiries please email me at
I am amazed your children have survived as long as they have ;) Slip-n-slide with paint???? This will give me nightmares ;)
HAHHA- it still gives me nightmares :) It took 10 hours that day of scrubbing and scraping and we still never got everything clean. It was a nightmare but I can look back and laugh now. Kids can get up to the darndest things. Watch out!!!
Our kids were tame compared to yours.
hahaha- yeah- I am learning mine were pretty abnormal:) My hubby would be gone for weeks and weeks with work and I don't think that helped either.
But look how CUTE her "Fix it" hair cut is!
I stopped by from Blok Thoughts...great entry!
Thank you!!! I know- the fix it one turned out pretty cute and we learned that she looks adorable with a short bob. See- there is a silver lining in
You children are beautiful! Even with the reverse mohawk!! (smile) Yep, been there myself several times. I hate when that happens.
Thank you!!!
Oh my gosh. I will vote for you. This is hilarious, and so, so sad, all at the same time.
HOLY have been through A LOT!
I can't believe you didn't THINK about getting a picture of the paint...I understand you were crying and lamenting, but if you are ANY cousin of mine you would have had a camera strapped to your hip. LOL!
So my daughter hasn't cut her hair and her brother hasn't cut her hair...
But I'm with you on the growing up to fast!
That last pic of her hair is so adorable!
Oh my goodness you are so going to win. Yes it is good when a little bit of time adds perspective to the things kids do. And yes they do grow up way to fast. Great hair pictures.
LY, Emily! This was the best! I loved it, along with the pictures. That paint story was difficult to hear, but looks like you managed to get your sense of humor back, even after such an incident. You're a good mommy!
Can we vote for you or have the rules changed?
I found your site through Shelle's. Your Don't You Hate it When story is great. I think you need some kind of SuperMom award after reading those stories!!! I love your ending. It's so try that those sweet little babies grow up so fast!
Totallly ROTFLOLing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha hahahahahahahahahahah
That's horrible and hilarious. That's got to win the grand prize for the whole year. Way funnier than Ovaltine. I should send you my quilt.
Oh my all crack me up so much. I love the responses. I mean I think it is funny now, but I never realized my kids did so many naughty things till now :)and I am a WAY over the top protective mom. At least I thought I was.
Hopefully I will win...that would ROCK my Christmas so y'all come and vote for me k ;)
Oh wow. The reverse mohawk is horrible!! Such funny/crazy stories...and such a sweet ending:)
Very funny - I think my assistant emailed me that photo of the paint.
Let me know & I will forward you the email.
That story makes me so... tired. Yikes! I'd probably have smothered that boy in his sleep after the milk incident!
Someday he'll have a son just like him and then you can really laugh!
That is too funny. The funny thing is I remember each time you told me those stories and how pissed off you were, where as I was laughing. I'm glad you can laugh at those crazy moments now.
Good thing they are so darn stinking cute. I figure that's about all that saved them (which is exactly how it is at my house--which goes to show how shallow I am. My kid can be stupid, barf all over the opened presents on Christmas morning or throw a TV at me but as long as he/she is good looking--I keep 'em around).
You guys are a hoot!!! I think I am laughing more at your comments than my stories, but yeah I lived through the terror so that makes sense ;)
Too Adorable! They are ute little Angels!
Happy Holidays!
Sandra Evertson
I would have gone ballistic with taupe paint all over my house.
I am dreading the day when they are too grown up to cuddle with their mommy. I hope it never comes.
I LOOOd cutting hairs, mine my siblings my barbies!! I should have owned a hair salon!!
I think she has a calling!!
My mom sometimes says, she wishes she had let us be crazier messier more awful kids, and enjoye it ;) Instead of making herself crzy keeping us clean and perfect... She misses our chubby fingers big time ;)
The only thing that scares me, is that your daughter climbs and finds pointy things ;)
So something I would do!!
Does she know she isn't allowed to cut her hair now?
OH that reverse mowhawk!! LOL
I would have reacted like you. I would have freaked out in fact!!
I LOVe your story giveaway events!! xoxo
Oh my gosh. The paint! I would've had to go to the loony bin while the nice ladies at church cleaned it all up for me. And my kids would've ended up with permanent hearing damage. You are a saint.
I particularly love the refrigerator art!!
wow! I think you've passed the initiation.
Your daughter is LUCKY to have such a creative mom! You do the cutest disguise hair-do's... my mom just always chopped off my hair- boy style when I did things like that. (Most my childhood I had a boy hair cut.. boo hoo.) She's adorable.
Like I said, ... she is lucky!
Oh Em...I loved your Don't you hate it when. Poetic.
I feel so much better now. And so fearful for the future ... smile and breathe.
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